Update from Santiago, Round Two!
As we write you this update several of our members are sitting at the Newark airport waiting for their flight to Des Moines. Returning after such an amazing trip will make adjusting back to life in Iowa difficult. God blessed our time in both Santo Domingo and Santiago so much. We heard it said that you cannot have much impact on a short term mission trip. They have a large impact on you, but not much on the locals. We have found part of that to be true of our mission trip to the Dominican Republic. Yes, it has greatly changed all of us, but we believe, thanks to the Lord, we have had an incredible impact on the Dominican Republic as well.
Since the last time we wrote you, God greatly opened doors for us in Santiago. On Wednesday we were able to host two campus Bible studies, with about 15 Dominicans between the two of them at the University of Santo Domingo at Santiago. This was such a huge blessing, especially since only two days before we did not know anyone at that campus. God opened so many doors for us.
Prior to the first bible study, Pastor Tim and Laura were able to meet up with two young students that had received the message of the gospel with soft hearts on Tuesday. The group talked through some questions these students had and reiterated the gospel. The two students walk over and join the bible study, and stayed afterwards to be introduced to Alexis. We are praying they have a real desire to grow in the faith that was planted in their hearts, and that they connect with Alexis next week.
At the Spanish and English Bible study both Dominicans and Americans shared their testimonies and studied Ephesians 2 together. Bettina was brave and shared her whole testimony in Spanish. During the first bible study, a young woman named Jailenny saw us meeting and stopped to listen. She was already a Christian, and has been looking for a community of believers. She had class and said she would come back afterwards. Alexis then made a pitch to start a new group of believers that would labor to bring a biblically modeled community to UASD Santiago. Jailenny did return and was able to hear the vision for this community. The rest of the day was spent meeting with other Dominicans one on one and sharing the Gospel throughout the campus. Several Dominicans joined us and helped us translate.
That afternoon, following the Bible studies, we asked our cab driver to drive us down to a nearby river so Pastor Tim could baptize Alexis in the river. It was such an encouragement for all of us. We are so proud of Alexis and amazed at his maturity in the faith. Following the baptism, Alexis joined us at our apartment and all of us went out to eat. We had our new friend Marcos join us at a restaurant he used to work at. That night everyone came back to our place for a time of games and fellowship.
The next morning Duane and Tim had to leave us, but we met up with Marcos and Alexis on campus. Marcos decided to recommit his life to Christ that day and go through a discipleship book with us. Our group leader Greg Baker and Bettina spent some time with Alexis sharing with him the vision of the church and the great opportunities we see the Lord opening at UASD Santiago and the role he will play in that. We are glad to have met Alexis and will do everything we can to support him.
We hosted another Bible study on campus and had about eight Dominicans join us. We studied 2 Timothy 4, which was the apostle Paul’s final letter. We wanted some insight from a hero of the faith’s final words. After all, we share the most crucial things for our final words. The time in Santiago was used to build into believers, as well as build a foundation of brothers and sisters in Christ at the UASD Santiago campus, to see where God could take this group in the future. We pray that we will see an active community of believers who share and live life together as a family and work to live out the Bible, much like those in the early church did and we do at Walnut Creek.
That night Jailenny joined us for a meal at our home. She was kind enough to make the meal for us when the Americans were quite confused on how to make Dominican rice and chicken. And the meal was superb! That evening we said good bye first to our friend Alexis, then Jailenny, and finally, Marcos. It was hard to say good bye and we had to hold back tears. It is amazing how close God grew us in just a few short days, but leaving Santiago was so difficult.
Friday morning we headed back to Santo Domingo. We got to spend time with friends at UASD, share the Gospel, and have one last church service as La Vid. That night our group began to head for home. We all cannot wait until God brings us back to the Dominican Republic. Until then we will work to fulfill the Great Commission at our home, Des Moines.
If you ever want to travel to a place that is full of genuine, hospitable, and kind people you will not find a better place than the Dominican Republic.
Praying for the RD,
Tim, Duane, Greg, Kendall, Colleen, Bettina, and Laura