Sam, Jon, Terry, Elena, Jessika, Emily, and Mel
We arrived to the Dominican Republic (DR) after some unexpected flight changes. One group was sent to New York and was able to share the Gospel there with multiple people by handing out tracks and donuts. While they were sharing, a man named Joe prayed to receive Jesus Christ as his Savior!
Once we arrived in the DR we toured the campus and surrounding area as some of our group had never seen the university before. We ended up going to the library and shared with people around the building. Elena, Sam, and Emily shared with two people, Willie and Mia. Just as the language barrier was becoming evident, who would show up but Estervin, whom Elena had met on the DR trip last spring. Estervin had translated many gospel conversations on the trip last year, and seemed more than happy to join us in our conversation with Willie and Mia. Praise God for His Providence!
Terry and Mel were able to go through the gospel with multiple people, most of whom also wanted to partake in the English classes that the groups will be offering. We gave them our emails and they said they would be contacting us soon.
Please be praying for Alex, Alexander, Pedro, Juan, and Wendy. Jon and Jessika talked with two men and they were able to have some spiritual conversations with both of them. One man said that he wanted to see them again and so they will hopefully be able to keep in contact.
We're praying for you Warriors! I'm encouraged by God's provision and grace. I love you all!