Update from "Grupo Santo"
Hola from Un Grupo Santo (a.k.a. "One Holy/set apart Group"),
We've experienced God's faithfulness as a group-consisting of both veterans and newbies. Divine appointments, grace with the language barrier, and God-given boldnness have been hallmarks for us so far. Here is a sample of how we've spent our time and what the Lord's been doing in the DR:
- Jason, a Dominican friend Paul made last year, showed up at the hostel on Monday to help translate and has being doing so faithfully every day. Paul and Sara have been able to go over a discipleship book with him, and he is growing a ton in the true knowledge of God every day.
- Sara has also been able to spend some time with Joell, another Dominican our missionaries connected with last year. He's been really thinking about the Lord, but has not trusted in the Lord for his salvation at this time. Please pray that any barriers in his life keeping him from God would be broken down.
- Tomorrow our group will be going to Leidy and Carolin's home for a meal. Sara shared with these girls, but they are having a hard time understanding forgiveness of ALL sins. Pray they would understand that Jesus' death was the full payment for all.
- I believe (and I think the group agrees) one of the most encouraging times thus far has been our time spent at the San Pedro church's camp. We worshiped with them on Sunday (in the middle of nowhere-talking about some serious off-road action here) and witnessed 4 baptisms afterward. I (Kayla) was able to talk with two of the people being baptized as well as a friend of one of the others being baptized who was not a Christian. It is tremendously encouraging to see the Dominican believers faithfully reaching out to others with the message of salvation and to hear how much God has changed their lives.
Thank you all for your prayer and support for us.
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