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Round 2 Travel Report

The Travel Report : We were able to witness the faithfulness of the Lord first hand. I feel like we have talked about God’s faithfulness more in the last 2 weeks while prepping for this trip, but when the Lord comes through and reminds you in real life situations you can do nothing but stop and thank Him, giving­ Him all honor that He’s due.

Not only did we receive Andy’s passport FedEx-ed to a house in Chicago while en route to Chicago (that’s a story best left for another time….as it in itself is a ROWDY story), but we also experienced the delay of a flight that impacted 22 people.

We were told around 2pm that our 4:45pm flight from Chicago would be delayed until 5:50pm. This would put us at JFK 50 minutes AFTER our flight was departing for the Dominican Republic and they weren’t going to hold the flight. Needless to say, we were a little shaken. There always seem to be flight issues, but the thought of 22 people altering their flights and making it to the Dominican Republic on time just didn’t seem possible.

Sure enough, our flight was delayed, and 22 people needed to be rerouted. People in Des Moines were notified, and they began praying like crazy that we would all arrive on time in the Dominican Republic. 19 out of the 22 people got on a flight that left Chicago at 3:15pm and landed LaGuardia at 7:15pm. They hopped in cabs which drove them through the city of Manhattan and got them to JFK with plenty of time to spare!! 19 down, 3 to go. Greg Altmaier, Kate Altmaier, and Steph Albright were put on a flight at 4:15pm which would land in LaGuardia at 8:15pm. Our flight from JFK to Santo Domingo left at 9:45pm. So they had 1.5 hours from wheels down at LaGuardia to wheels up from JFK.

They landed on time at 8:15pm, ran downstairs to grab a Delta sponsored town car, and were told it would be outside at 8:25pm. At 8:30pm (75 minutes until wheels up) the cab still wasn’t there and Greg made a game time decision to hop in a taxi and just pay for it out of pocket. The taxi driver drove what has to be the fastest time EVER from LGA to JFK and got them to the airport at 9:05pm (45 minutes until wheels up.) They already had their seat assignments so they got to security and waited in an incredibly long line. After about 10 minutes and 3 phone calls with JC telling Greg the flight was going to leave without us if we didn’t get there, Kate spoke to the people in front of them in the security line and they squeezed through. They got their bags from security at 9:20pm (25 minutes until wheels UP, 25 minutes after the plane has already been boarded) and they began RUNNING to the terminal. The terminal started at gate 30 and counted BACKWARDS down to 1. Their gate was 2. They ran for 10 minutes through the airport while carrying all their bags, arrived at the gate, were let through as the door was closed behind them. They arrived at 9:30pm (15 minutes until wheels up.)

Every single person out of the 22 whose flight was delayed was rerouted to LaGuardia, hopped a cap, made it through security, arrived at the gate, and made their originally scheduled departure.

Every person. Praise the Lord.

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