Team Equipo de Semillo de Apio: Day 1
Team Equipo de semillo de apio
(Ryan, Hannah, Alicia, Emily, Carol, and Paul)
Day 1 in the Dominican
God has already answered prayers. After flight delays in Chicago, and a few close calls, all of group 2 made it to Santo Domingo nearly on schedule. The gospel went out during flights and during the taxi rides through New York.
After a few hours of sleep, we all bused to a Sunday morning church service in San Pedro. Members of this church are instrumental in the growing on-campus bible study and soon-to-be church plant in Santo Domingo. It was encouraging to be around like-minded Christians. Our bus rides give opportunity to enjoy the tropical weather. Pray for continued sun!
After lunch and a much needed nap, we scoped out the university campus for our class location. God clearly directed our steps to good conversations through some students calling us over to a basketball game. While our friend Ryne balled it up, Hannah got to know Julio, a student, and helped him understand that salvation is free. Paul and Alicia met sebastian, a high school student, and talked about why we should trust the bible.
we celebrated our first full day here by visiting a fancy authentic restaurant and enjoyed great seafood, meat, fruit juice, and mufango.
Please pray for our first English classes tomorrow and that we would efficiently use our time to share truth and build relationships. Also pray for effective follow up and continued contact with existing friends.
God bless!
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