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Team "Fuego del Cielo" Days 1 and 2

On our first full day in the Dominican Republic, Fuego del Cielo had quite the adventure. We spent a majority of the time at UASD. UASD stands for Universidad Autonomica Santo Domingo. We were touring with our group and a girl named Yuri Valenzuela. Our first stop was at the library and as we were leaving someone said, "I think it is going to rain," and all of a sudden it started thundering and raining and we had to run back to the library. As we were sprinting back to the library there was this random man who was just staring at us in shock. Little did we realize that it was Wilfrey De La Cruz, one of Hillary and Jason's friends from last year. While they were talking, Yuri and I met a man named Luis who we shared the gospel with. He understood that he was a sinner and needed Jesus and understood what it meant to repent. So many amazing stories that happened at the library, it was as if the Lord literally was telling us to go back and He had to create the most spontaneous storm to force us to go back to the library! We spent the rest of the day talking with people and reconnecting. We ended our evening at Adrian Tropical for some delicious Dominican food.

On Sunday we went to San Pedro to visit Sabino's farm. Sabino is the pastor of the church we are connected with in the Dominican. We sung music in Spanish and English which was wonderful to know that there are people all over the world praising Jesus. He shared about how whenever anyone shares the gospel we win. It was a good reminder to just keep sowing. After the sermon, the group made us dinner and we spent time walking around the farm and playing baseball.

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