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Dominican Republic Trip Day #2

Today was our third day in the Dominican. Our groups split up into a mixture of people from Walnut Creek and Candlewood. We started out sharing the gospel cold turkey with whoever we could talk to. Our group has the least number of Spanish speakers in all the teams. We were strategically placed in a spot on campus where there are historically more Dominicans who know a little English. Although some of our conversations were with people who only spoke Spanish, we were really able to see God come through in breaking the language barrier. We have Gospel tracts that are printed in both English and Spanish. We used these to communicate the Gospel as well as help those who speak a little English to be able to practice.

We all had great conversations all day long. After we broke off, one of the smaller groups was able to speak with a young man. We could tell that the Spirit was really working on his heart. We could see his heart soften. He asked really good questions. Although we didn’t speak Spanish well, and his English was broken, we were able to meet on a level where we could really love him and see God come through. He spent some of the afternoon with us, and we are praying to see him the rest of the week. One group met a man who was already a Christian, and they spent the whole afternoon speaking with him, getting to know him, and discipling him. He came to the bible study, La Vid, and he said he is going to bring his wife and meet up with us the rest of the week.

It is refreshing to not only be able to be a part of changing lives in another country with the Gospel, but also see our lives being transformed as we continue to share the Gospel with ourselves and be restored to our Salvation. Not only is the Great Commission going out, but the unity among the two churches is growing. Our group was able to bond today through lunch, dinner, and tie downs. We are looking forward to the rest of the week. 

-Mo Town Eagles, Candlewood

Noah Carpenter, David Mortensen, Alissa Gentry, Kaitlin Goettsch, and Chelsea Liska

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