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Hola from Santo Domingo!

After being delayed in Newark, New Jersey due to a snow storm, we made it to the Dominican Republic around 2 a.m. on Saturday. It was a long day of airplanes and airports, but sitting around our terminal in Newark, surrounded by so many Dominicans heading home, we knew we were almost there. Here is a picture of Nicole and a new Dominican friend in the airport!

Saturday was a rather restful day. It took many of us a while to wake up, but we started the day off with a gathering of both trips to hear encouraging stories and praise the Lord together in song. To have all of us finally together in the Dominican, praising the Lord, it was incedibly moving.

We all ate together at a restaurant full of colorful food, culminating in some very spirited dancing. Despite the image of awkward white people dancing, there were many laughs and a lot of fun. We then went to Guibia to meet up and pass on contacts from the first trip, as well as share with the locals there. A few of us met a guy who introduced himself as "Bacon," later to find out his name was Baker. We enjoyed volleyball and passing out food to the street kids, as well as munching on some local FroYo "Bon" before heading home to tie down and get some much needed rest.

Ed, Lauren, Loren, Nicole, Pat & Tim

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