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Update from Mike and the Ikes!

This week has been great! It started out very encouraging when we visited the San Pedro church where we were able to see some baptisms and the growing congregation. Throughout the week we have been able to get into a lot of good conversations about Christ on the university’s campus. We have built a few relationships with some students whose hearts are humble and interested in the Gospel. 

Anjie and Rosa both have recognized they are not saved and need a savior but have not made the decision to follow Christ. Jose, who we met outside the English Immersion building, at first wanted to talk to us to practice his English, but now is more interested in talking about Jesus Christ. Yesterday we were able to meet with people we had met from years past who are believers. We were able to encourage and challenge them to continue to read the word, be in community, and share the Gospel with their friends. As the week continues you can be praying for the salvations of our friends and that we would rely on the God and not ourselves to reach the lost of this country.

The Tough Guys...aka Mike, Robert, Heath​er

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